Every year, we celebrate World Pharmacists Day to show our appreciation for the hardworking medical experts who make sure people get the right medicines and know how to use them correctly.

World Pharmacists Day 2023

Pharmacists are important in making healthcare better and the medical system work well.

Every year, we celebrate World Pharmacist Day on September 25 all over the world. This special day is dedicated to appreciating the work of pharmacists who help make the world healthier.

In 2009, during a big meeting for pharmacists in Istanbul, Turkey, the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) Council said they wanted to celebrate World Pharmacists Day.

They chose September 25 because that's the same day the FIP Council was formed back in 1912. Since then, every year on September 25, we celebrate World Pharmacists Day.

On this day, we tell people about how important pharmacists are in making sure everyone gets good healthcare.

We say thank you and show them how much we appreciate their help in keeping the world healthy.

The best way to celebrate this day is by saying thanks to pharmacists for all they do for us.